Below you will find media links, articles and books written about Psychoanalysis, Modern Psychoanalysis, and related treatment orientations. (This page is currently under development, and more resources will be listed soon).

YouTube Videos:

Visit the IMPP YouTube Channel HERE to view PSP guest speakers and other videos related to psychoanalysis.


William J. Kirman Modern Psychoanalysis: A Brief Outline

(From Modern Psychoanalysis in the Schools. William J. Kirman. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1977. Out of Print.)

Jonathan Shedler The Tyranny of Time: How Long Does Effective Therapy Really Take?

Jonathan Shedler Where Is The Evidence For “Evidence-Based” Therapy?

Mark Solms The Scientific Standing of Psychoanalysis

Mark Winborn Studies of Treatment Effectiveness

British Psychoanalytic Council Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: What’s The Evidence?

Web Links:

Nancy McWilliams: The Future of Psychoanalysis

Linda Michaels: Therapy That Sticks