Upcoming 2024 Workshops:

Summer Reading Workshop: A People’s History of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Liberation Psychology by Daniel José Gaztambide (Author)

Facilitator: Wally Fletcher, D.Min., NCpsyA


Eight Saturdays: May 18, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, July 13, & 20th 

9:00-10:15am EDST

CE’s: 10

Cost: $100 



For some time, Sigmund Freud’s legacy has been interpreted from the “classical” perspective of a largely well to do white, male, and conservative psychoanalysis that over-emphasized intra-psychic dynamics at the expense of the socio-cultural dynamics Freud insisted undergird and largely co-determine them.

This led to the neglect or suppression of voices and traditions within psychoanalysis that read Freud differently and from a more “liberationist” social consciousness.  It also contributed to commonly held views within many marginalized communities that psychoanalysis was irrelevant or even counter to their social and emotional needs and aspirations. In this scholarly work clinical psychologist, Daniel José Gaztambide offers an alternative narrative of the psychoanalytic movement inspired by Freud even though Freud failed in many ways to stay true to it. Quoting from the book description:

“In A People’s History of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Liberation Psychology, Daniel José Gaztambide reviews the oft-forgotten history of social justice in psychoanalysis. Starting with the work of Sigmund Freud and the first generation of left-leaning psychoanalysts, Gaztambide traces a series of interrelated psychoanalytic ideas and social justice movements that culminated in the work of Frantz Fanon, Paulo Freire, and Ignacio Martín-Baró. Through this intellectual genealogy, Gaztambide presents a psychoanalytically informed theory of race, class, and internalized oppression that resulted from the intertwined efforts of psychoanalysts and racial justice advocates over the course of generations and gave rise to liberation psychology.”

Our author, Daniel José Gaztambide, Psy.D. is the chair of the Professional Practice committee of Division 29. He is the assistant director of clinical training in the department of clinical psychology at the New School for Social Research, and director of the Frantz Fanon Center for Intersectional Psychology. He is also author of a new book that will be available for purchase this spring, Decolonizing Psychoanalytic Technique: Putting Freud on Fanon’s Couch.

Learning Objectives:

  • Attendees will be able to define liberation psychology and its intersections with contemporary psychoanalysis
  • Attendees will be able to trace the integration of psyche-social-cultural, relational and critical theory in contemporary Psychoanalysis and its foundations in the complex legacy of Sigmund Freud.
  • Attendees will be able to consider and articulate at least three implications/applications of this book for clinical practice
  • Attendees will be better able to identify and articulate the importance of on-going historical studies for the training and advancement of psychoanalytic theory and technique [especially the lesser acknowledged social justice, progressive and activist movements within psychoanalysis]

About the Instructor:

Wallace Fletcher, D Min, NCPsyAWally Fletcher, D Min, NCPsyA , has extensive training and experience as a therapist, organizational consultant, educator and non-profit executive. He is a Certified Psychoanalyst and Clinical Supervisor in the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis and a board commissioner and ACPE Psychotherapist of The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. He teaches graduate (MS) courses in Business and Organizational Leadership at Neumann University, and courses in the history and evolution of psychoanalysis at the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis. He serves on the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health’s Faith and Spiritual Affairs Advisory Board. He is also on the mental health faculty of CREDO, an intensive wellness program for clergy administered by the Pension Boards of the Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches US.

Psychohistory And Its Correlation With Modern Psychoanalysis

Presenter: Dorothea Leicher, NCPsyA


Thursday, May 30th

6:00-8:00pm EDST

CE’s: 2

Cost: $40 



The presenter will provide an overview of Psychohistory which is rooted in history and psychoanalysis. Psychohistory studies how culture and politics are influenced by parenting techniques, especially managing power. Sub-themes of psychohistory include the study of childhood and education; psychobiography, in terms of relating developmental histories of politically or culturally significant people to their views and actions; group psychohistory, in terms of relating shared child-rearing patterns of cohorts to convergences in adult views and behavior; and the study of art as expression of underlying group fantasies.

Learning Objectives:

1.     Participants will be able to list 3 basic features of early learning in the attached dyad

2.     Participants will be able to identify 2 strategies to deescalate conflict

3.     Participants will be able to discuss 3 parallels between Psychohistory and Modern Psychoanalysis


De Mause, L. (2002) The Emotional Life of Nations, New York, Karnac Books

Doucleff,M.(2021)  Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans, New York, Avid Reader Press (Simons and Shuster)

Elgar, F. et al.(2009) Income Inequality and School Bullying: Multilevel Study of Adolescents in 37 Countries  Journal of Adolescent Health 45 (2009), 351 -359

Elovitz P.(2018) The Making of Psychohistory, New York, Routledge

Popova, M.The Science of Affection: How a Rebel Researcher Pioneered the Study of Love in the 1950s and Illuminated How Parents Shape Children’s Emotional Patterns

About The Presenter:

Dorothea Leicher is a certified Modern Psychoanalyst and an alumna of
Bryn Mawr and the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis. She is retired from clinical practice but continues
to do research and teach with the China American Psychoanalytic Alliance
and publish with the International Psychohistorical Association.